Changes to our current delivery during pandemic

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Fife Gingerbread – Changes to our current delivery during pandemic

We are accepting new referrals – please call 01592 725 210 or email

Dad & Me
 - We are supporting dads, grandads and male carers of children aged 0-3. Providing opportunities for peer support online and play opportunities via video calls for their children. A Support Workers continues to provide 1:1 emotional support to male carers over the phone and through digital platforms. There are activities posted on social media along with activity packs delivered to families to continue where possible with group work.


Buddy Network - Fife Gingerbread have an army of volunteers providing vital support to reduce social isolation and loneliness. We have trained buddy’s available to support parents/carers both face to face (following current Scottish govt social distancing guidelines) & virtually via telephone, email, social media and video conferencing platforms. There are also opportunities for new volunteers to join the Buddy Network.

Kelty Allotment – Based in Kelty, our award winning, volunteer led, community allotment project aims to bring people together and meet other likeminded parents. Here you can make new friends, support each other and share experiences. This also provides them with the skills to grow and nurture fresh produce, which will be distributed to the local community and families, community hubs, food banks and food insecurity programmes.

Project Volunteers - A Project Volunteer can be involved in holiday activities, tea-time groups, Fife Gingerbread group work, events, fundraising, or being our mascot Gingey for the day. You can gain new skills, friends and confidence in a safe and supportive environment.

Square Start Levenmouth - This project is led by BRAG Enterprises and co-delivered with Fife Gingerbread to provide family friendly activities, events, workshops and support for families in the Levenmouth Area.

The team offer activities for all the family as well as providing one to one support helping to end social isolation. Most of the activities prior to Covid-19 required hands on close contact with the families which, now due to restrictions being more relaxed outdoor we are gradually seeing more of families face to face, there has been socially distanced outdoor catchups in gardens, and walks in local communities

Bookbug sessions are now delivered through their Facebook page via live video (open to all who visit the page), they have a private group set up for registered families and have supplied their families with family boxes, filled with ingredients for cooking on a budget, recipes, craft items and activities and treats and sweets. The team then upload videos of them taking families through the method of cooking the meals, the families are then posting pictures of the meals and the crafts made on the private group wall. There have also been coffee mornings, quizzes in the evening and workshops from CARF and Cosy Kingdom.

Due to current funding ending on 31st October 2020, we are no longer taking new referrals.

Fife Teen Parent Project - Our Teen Parent Workers are supporting young parents from 16 to 20 years old. They provide support to new and expectant parents focusing on play, attachment, community connections and peer support.

They are continuing to offer emotional support and focus on parental and infant mental health and wellbeing.

The support continues to be available throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and our team’s approach is flexible to meet the needs of our teen parents.

The team have a Facebook page where creative play ideas are encouraged as well as a platform for peer connection. They also offer specific online programmes including Mellow Bumps, Baby Massage and Bookbug sessions.

Outdoor groups have recently been reintroduced following government guidance and we continue to adapt and develop the service in these changing times.

Making it Work for Lone Parents - We continue to support lone parents on their journey towards employment, and we are getting to know new lone parents who are joining the project. Some of the lone parents we support are starting work and college over the next few weeks – if you’d like to join us for support then get in touch.

We are keeping in touch with lone parents by phone offering emotional support and advise. Our Support Workers are seeing lone parents for socially distanced walks, and garden visits (on days it’s not too rainy!) We are using Zoom to deliver cooking groups, confidence building, crafts and much more. Great ways to meet other lone parents!

We have a financial inclusion worker from CARF who is helping families with benefits, returning to School, debt advise, housing, budgeting and anything else money related!

We are supporting lone parents who live in Cowdenbeath / Lochgelly area, Glenrothes area and Levenmouth area.

Making it Work for Families - In October we will launch this project again – there will be workers from Fife Gingerbread, Clued Up, CARF and FIRST. All there to support families living in the Kirkcaldy and Levenmouth areas.

We will work with low income, lone parent and workless families with an S1/S2 pupil living at home. Families will be affected by current or historic substance use, or be at risk of substance use.

Watch this space for more updates!

Lone Parent Helpline - Our helpline (01592 725210) continues to be available for any lone parent in Fife, and our Support Workers can offer phone advice. The helpline is available Monday-Thursday (9-5pm) and Friday (9-3.30pm).


Scottish child payment opens to families in Fife


COVID-19 & Domestic Abuse