Saints Triathlon Virtual Journey to Hong Kong

Where can you donate to Fife Gingerbread?

Our JustGiving Page can be found here:
Please give what you can, every little helps!


We are Saints Triathlon, a small triathlon club within the University of St Andrews. We wanted to complete a challenge that would help raise money for a local charity during this time of uncertainty. We decided to virtually run, cycle, walk and swim (where possible) to Hong Kong – the country where our furthest away member lives.

Why this challenge?

When thinking about what our challenge could be we wanted to do something that would make all our club members feel connected during a time when coronavirus had separated us and ended university early. Our triathlon season also ended before it really began and so we wanted to give club members motivation to remain active during the lockdown period. We decided that we would do a virtual triathlon to Hong Kong. This is where our club member and publicity rep, Csoban, lives. This challenge would push us to complete 5883 miles and we completed it within our target of six weeks. We have decided we want to keep going, pushing ourselves and raising money for an incredible charity. As a result, we are aiming to go all the way around the world and return to St Andrews before term resumes in September. Our next stop is 6847 miles away in Seattle, this is where club member Allina lives. We cannot wait to continue with the challenge and hope you will support us along the way!

Why Fife Gingerbread?

We wanted to choose a charity where we could make a real difference. We looked at a number of local charities but thought the work of Fife Gingerbread stood out. We wanted to connect our club members through this challenge and the message of Fife Gingerbread really resonated with this. They connect with and support lone parents and vulnerable and disadvantaged families in Fife. At a time when many are understanding the feeling of extreme loneliness for the first time as a result of lockdown, we thought supporting this charity was a way to do something positive. Loneliness is a problem that many face in their everyday lives and Fife Gingerbread seeks to change the future of vulnerable families in Fife, so that moving forward they can have a better, brighter and more connected tomorrow.

Obviously, the work of Fife Gingerbread has needed to change and adapt during the restrictions of lockdown, but perhaps now more than ever their work holds extreme importance. For example, they aid young single mothers who are returning to their homes from the hospital with a newborn. Usually they would be able to visit the homes of these mothers to provide support but due to the current restrictions they have been unable to do so – as a result they have created packages for newborns and their mothers to allow the celebration of a new future to continue. They are also available to give advice to these mothers who cannot get it from their families and so rely on Fife Gingerbread to aid them. We want to support the charity and help them to help others believe in themselves and their future.

What do club members have to say?

Lucy (our club president) says, “I am so excited that the club is supporting Fife Gingerbread with this challenge. This time is scary for many but it’s hard to imagine the challenges of becoming a young mother at this uncertain time; from coming home from the hospital with a newborn, to supporting mothers with advice to care for their child, Fife Gingerbread is an amazing charity that is able to assist those who are the most vulnerable in our community for a better future. It is fantastic that we can support our community by cycling, running and swimming around the world. We have already reached our original target of Hong Kong (5883 miles away) but have decided to keep going. Our eventual goal is to return all the way to St Andrews before September when university will resume, but our next target is club member Allina, who lives in Seattle – a further 6847 miles from Hong Kong. Please give what you can to support this fantastic cause- thank you!”

Club captain Matt says, “Fife Gingerbread is a group I really admire (and not just because I’m ginger). They help teen mothers that do not have much of a support network find a community to raise their children and support them in any of the difficulties parents in more fortunate circumstances would go to their parents to solve. It’s a locally run charity, so our triathlon to Hong Kong (and beyond) can really have a big impact!”

Lachie, club treasurer, says, “I find the work that Fife Gingerbread carry out to be very important and has a large impact across Fife. The charity helps to support young families and lone parents who would have to struggle along themselves without such support. Our challenge to reach Hong Kong (and beyond) is connects our team with our furthest team member, in the same way that Fife Gingerbread helps to reach those in need and make them feel part of something bigger.”

Naomi (club secretary) says, “currently trying to get as many miles in as possible for our virtual ride to Hong Kong (and beyond). It’s so important to raise money for local charities and to highlight the incredibly important role Fife Gingerbread play in supporting parents and families in need across Fife, especially given the uncertain times we are all living in today.”

Iain (Our Postgraduate Rep) says “The help Fife Gingerbread are giving to lone parents and families in need is incredibly important to give their children the chances in life we have been given. Every donation helps”

Club member Abigail says, “I think it’s brilliant that the Triathlon club are supporting Fife Gingerbread because they are a local charity supporting Fife’s lone parents and families in need. The work they do is very important, and every donation can help towards their fantastic work.”

Club member Georgia says, “I’m cycling for Fife gingerbread because it is a fantastic charity which seeks to empower lone parents to make positive choices and to believe in themselves.”

Where can you donate to Fife Gingerbread?

Our JustGiving Page can be found here:
Please give what you can, every little helps!

From all of us at Fife Gingerbread THANK YOU so much Saints Triathlon. Your support means a lot.
You can find Saints Triathlon online here: and here


COVID-19 & Domestic Abuse